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Wiki Fiction Roleplay Character Page

Information on Character Creation and Applying to the Guild



WFR Application Page

Want to be a member of the guild? Already a member, but want a second (third, fourth) character? Apply here!

WFR Guild Members

This is the list of accepted players and their characters. You don't post here. The mods do. But it's a great page to read over to find some of the best players in Elftown.

For tips on character creation, see Role playing for Dummies.

WFR Char RACE Page - A page listing different races your characters can be.

WFR Char RANK Page - A page listing different ranks and classes your character can have.

Alignment - A page describing different alignments, which basicaly is a basic outline of your character's moral code.

Size - A page describing the effects of how big or small your character is.

If you're looking to make an actual game a part of the guild, you're in the wrong spot. WFR Games and WFR Quests has the info you need. :)


Ladies and Gentlemen, WFR is getting huge! Thank you all for your character submissions!


Once you're accepted, you get to post this nifty badge in your house.



Just copy-paste this code into your house description to display the badge!


Characters in Limbo

These are potential acceptees who need to make some changes before we can approve them. If you're on this list, please do something about it, even if that only means messaging one of the mods and letting them know that you're no longer interested!

Characters in Limbo are 'anarchic creatures', tattered, un-finished entities whose creator-gods and avatars abandoned them in the cosmic vast, left stranded and mis-guided; soulless voids, the carnal temples who shall forever be swept in the current of dying elements, to be cast some day into oblivion or into the Deeper Vast, the area of the cosmos where life make no sense, and where death is in the past.

The WFR Lost Characters, however, are not anarchic and are not lost in the sweeping ridge of the cosmos, past the heavens and hells... they're just flat out lost. Sent on adventures never travelled, looting hordes that just plain don't exist, these fools roam the universe, hidden from the eyes of any truth, since their players have abandoned... well, us. Players who do not show up to Elftown for months and years at a time are sent to this land of misfit characters.... Not to Limbo.

Malbosha Please add/edit info
Fuin [Oddjob] Please add more info
Selek [Punk_Rock_Mosher] Please add/edit info
Whupem [benjismokin] Missing Info
Neuuval Sleavunsu Missing ID info, cant contact creator because no user name.
Edorita [Savior of the Broken] Pending class change or MOD exception
Marius [F34R :82:-DE] Pending skills description and personality additions
Gelina [Bahn] Unknown species and unspecific skills.
Jade Sparrow [jade_sparrow13] I dont even know this characters name and needs more skills
Thayandegea Nioshia USER NAME USER


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2004-02-05 [Leara]: And where the hell is Xido? I need to check something over >.> damn people and not logging on

2004-02-06 [Blood Raven]: Xido's o0ffline quite often these days... weird. Maybe he's sick again

2004-02-06 [Leara]: No warning at all....I shall have it killed......

2004-02-06 [MathiasIV]: Sorry about the link on benj's name, forgot that when I moved it form my mail.

2004-02-06 [Leara]: Don't post up peoples character descriptions from your msg's or whatever, tell them where to go, and where to put it, its nice when people learn to do things on there own >.>

2004-02-06 [MathiasIV]: I was just helping the guy out. I gave him a link and made sure he knows where to put it. Nothing wrong with good customer service >.<

2004-02-06 [Leara]: yeah, but don't put it up for him, just make sure he knows where it goes and stuff so he can do it, you learn by hands on ex[erience, and the customer service would be telling him where it goes and suc

2004-02-06 [Leara]: *such

2004-02-06 [Leara]: I can't spell today

2004-02-06 [Raerlas]: hey Leara or anyone, do you have a clue as to who my char could be the ex body guard for?

2004-02-06 [Leara]: O.O I have no clue, if Xido ever decides to come on, he may no of someone

2004-02-06 [Raerlas]: k...thanks. another boring long day.

2004-02-06 [MathiasIV]: *works customer service for a living*

2004-02-06 [Leara]: Mathias....thats sad you know.....

2004-02-06 [Raerlas]: any clue as to what i could do today?

2004-02-06 [MathiasIV]: Pays good, and its easy as anything out there. Plus I get to sit here and BS on elftown all day. Just saying its not a crime to help a kid out here and there :P

2004-02-06 [elf_fu]: ::Puppy dog eyes:: I like cheese...Does anyone want, out of the goodness of their hearts, offer a place where I can start Crynna out? I feel so bad just barging in somewhere uninvited!

2004-02-06 [MathiasIV]: adventurer's tavern is always a good place to start :)

2004-02-07 [Blood Raven]: or help Therian's new kingdom along a bit. Not much to do yet, but it's promising: Ionnya

2004-02-07 [Mystic Beauty]: Hello everyone, Mystic Beauty here, come to my new enchanted lands Great Jungle

2004-02-08 [Leara]: [imsdal], since you don't already have a character here, your description is in the wrong place...

2004-02-08 [Leara]: oh wait, Cyan, that character is not acceptable, it must be your own, original character.

2004-02-08 [imsdal]: Oooops......

2004-02-08 [imsdal]: but where do I put it, when I'm done?

2004-02-08 [Leara]: if its an ORIGINAL character, it goes above the secondary character thing, on this page, no link to it.

2004-02-08 [imsdal]: but wait....Yuffie Kisaragi IS an original character. the only thing taken from the game, is her clothes, and her first name. And I dont think they are copyright :P You see, the whole personality, her weapons, her history, her last name and her species and age, are all original. What if I remove the pictures, will it be original enough THEN?

2004-02-08 [Leara]: clothes and names ARE copyright material. Even without the pics, I seen on a page your character wasn't like the Yuffie in FF, but like the one in KH, therefore, I can't take your word that she's original, so you would need a different character, COMPLETELY created by you in every aspect.

2004-02-08 [imsdal]: well, what i'm trying to say, is that what do I have to remove to make yuffie original? because I'm experienced in playing her, i'd really rather play her than anyone else, and she IS original. yes, clothes from KH, but so what? If I changed the clothes, and name.....*sigh* will be a new character, but with everything I'm used to play with. Is that okay, then? :) (and dont be angry at me, I'm just very desperate)

2004-02-08 [Leara]: Change it and let me read it, then I'll give my opinion

2004-02-08 [imsdal]: it is: Primula lightfoot

2004-02-08 [Golthimere]: hey i added my character here, when will it be looked at

2004-02-08 [Leara]: All information, including history should be posted on this page. Also check over grammer and spelling.

2004-02-08 [Golthimere]: ok there

2004-02-08 [Leara]: Please do not submit narrative's/roleplays in first person as a history either >.>

2004-02-08 [Golthimere]: so i should delete the history, and start that over!

2004-02-08 [Golthimere]: whats so bad about a first person narrative, they let people get inside the characters world a bit, why?

2004-02-08 [Leara]: because, alot of times its to hard to understand, its preferable to have it in 3rd person, nice black and white, clear and understandable.

2004-02-08 [Leara]: look at the example thing up there, it should be like that....except alot more detailed and having more description than that plain thing...

2004-02-08 [Golthimere]: well i am already changing it

2004-02-08 [Golthimere]: well there it is changed

2004-02-08 [Deloriel]: i think i broke the page...the html coding isn't showing up on the whole page!!! ahhh! maybe it's just my computer...

2004-02-08 [Nere]: eh...not again...... -.-"

2004-02-08 [Lexicon]: nope not your com, it tends to happen once in awhile :) no biggie

2004-02-08 [imsdal]: *coughcough* ehrm....could ANYONE have a look at Primula Lightfoot? :)

2004-02-08 [Lexicon]: is this a charcter for ths rp area?

2004-02-08 [imsdal]: I wanted to have a own char-page, that I can use in any RPG in the that possible? :)

2004-02-08 [Golthimere]: i fixed it, don't worry

2004-02-08 [Deloriel]: good...i got scared

2004-02-08 [imsdal]: there we go.....

2004-02-08 [Leara]: please don't list, put things in sentences...

2004-02-08 [MathiasIV]: Deloriel Silverleaf WFR / [Deloriel] Great character, I accept. And might I add, Way to follow the instructions. Well detailed and exactly to format! ^_^

2004-02-09 [Golthimere]: what about Ragd'Thag'Ar, will he be allowed, i worked a long time on him.

2004-02-09 [Deloriel]: Well thankies Mathias :)

2004-02-09 [Leara]: Be patient....and his history STILL is wrote out like a narrative >.> read the example thingy.

2004-02-09 [Golthimere]: it is not a narrative, read it through, you are just looking at the last line.

2004-02-09 [imsdal]: dang, Ragd'Thag'Ar sure deserves to be accepted! Oh, and btw...............has anyone had a look at Primula?

2004-02-09 [Golthimere]: i just don't like people refuseing me on acount of my style

2004-02-09 [Golthimere]: is the diolog the problem

2004-02-09 [Leara]: I'm not refusing it, but the layout is wrong, is it weren't a narrative there wouldn't be quotes and people talking all over the place, also check over spelling and grammer

2004-02-09 [MathiasIV]: OK, I will go ahead with [imsdal], First, I think it would be better if you tried to cut out the FFX References as they dont really bear upon the WFR (Wiki Fantasy Roleplay) I understand that there are several wiki's devoted to such but this isnt really one of them. Really all that needs rethinking is the Rank/Class/Title section, Merely saying thief turned cleric or healer works fine. The other part is the history. Try to make it look like its not part of a sideline FFX story. The Skills, Personality, and Appearance are great though

2004-02-09 [MathiasIV]: I am also going forward with the secondary submissions, reading them over and moving them, Thanks!

2004-02-09 [MathiasIV]: Sam 'Cookie' O'Conner /[Dev^], Kulan Mordrud /[Blood Raven] & Relic / [Lexicon] all accepted. If there were any questions I posted them on the character page, Leara I answered your question in the case of Sam O Connor. Thanks!

2004-02-09 [imsdal]: Ok, thanx Mathias ^_^

2004-02-09 [imsdal]: done ^___^

2004-02-09 [MathiasIV]: Haha I love it :) 2 quick fixes if I may, then I will move it to the League, would it be possible to change the name of Seymour and the species Guado to something different?

2004-02-09 [imsdal]: yeah sure ^_^ just a sec

2004-02-09 [imsdal]: there ya go :)

2004-02-09 [MathiasIV]: Sweet, will get it on a page momentarily :)

2004-02-09 [imsdal]: thanxies :)

2004-02-09 [Leara]: Mathias, I write something on a character to be changed, DON'T YOU DARE GO BEHIND ME AND ACCEPT IT. Back off my job.

2004-02-09 [Leara]: Sam 'Cookie' O'Conner /[Dev^] NOT ACCEPTED TILL THE SPECIFIED CHANGES ARE MADE.

2004-02-09 [Dev^]: okiss, I shall change it

2004-02-09 [Leara]: It still needs more, and check the grammer and spelling. And Mathias, that didn't answer my question, it had NOTHING to do with what I wrote.

2004-02-09 [Leara]: Cyan, do not list likes and dislikes, write them out in proper sentences with correct grammer.

2004-02-09 [imsdal]: oki :)

2004-02-09 [Dev^]: oki

2004-02-09 [MathiasIV]: I think that what I wrote answered your question perfectly. I looked it over and "grammatically" its FINE. I can read what it says, so can ANYBODY that looks at it. I cant BELIEVE how patient these people are being with you. F it! If its so important for you to be up everybody's ass all the time... I havent seen a character get accepted by you since THE LAST ONE I CREATED!!! Seriously you need to rethink your position here because I NEVER tried to usurp your job, I have been NOTHING but nice in trying to deal with you and help you out and STILL you thwart me and write nasty little notes. I am fed the F UP! Sorry if I got tired of watching you chase everybody outta here!

2004-02-09 [Hutch]: ...

2004-02-09 [Blood Raven]: stop it you babies. ur starting to sound like my parents...

2004-02-09 [imsdal]: hmzy.....Mathias is a very nice person.. I think Leara is stressed...I dunno...I'm an outsider....*tries to walk away in silence*

2004-02-09 [Blood Raven]: you kinda got it right, but Mat's getting pissed at Leara now and that makes him looked stressed and sooner or later we'll have a lil' fight in the WFR comment box. I'm sure everybody will appreciate that...

2004-02-09 [imsdal]: hmm....well.....all I can say is that Leara should loosen up, and Mathias should ask her out, lol ^_____^ they're like a married couple, ALLREADY.....^_____^ *taking the piss, I know*

2004-02-09 [Blood Raven]: yeah I know, that why I referred to my parents...

2004-02-09 [Leara]: I accepted a character yesterday, I didn't have any questions. I'm stressed because of Mathias, sorry if when I accept a character, I prefer making sure everything is correct, not accepting them and THEN asking them to make changes which their not gonna do once accepted, excuse me for not rushing through. I'm not accepting characters that have a half ass spelling job, so then when they rp they'll use that same half ass job thinking its ok. I make sure everything is worked out before accepting a character, it was my job in the first place. And as for characters not being accepted since the last one created... EXCUSE ME FOR ACTUALLY GOING TO BED AT NIGHT AND SLEEPING WHILE SOMEONES CREATING

2004-02-09 [Leara]: A CHARACTER!

2004-02-09 [Blood Raven]: look we all know that ur doing a good job and all, we just want you and Mat not to piss of eachother for a while? Maybe organise things a bit better and make some compromis about how to accept chars? O, and btw *hugs leara* we're not against u, we're still friends ^___^

2004-02-09 [MathiasIV]: Said I was done so Ya'all drop it before Xido kicks MY ass.

2004-02-09 [Leara]: Thats only if he ever comes online again >.>

2004-02-09 [imsdal]: oh,and my char accepted now?

2004-02-09 [Leara]: can you put the things in the order thats near the top of the page, like history last and such, since thats always the longest, and it doesn't need big spaces, and what happened to the likes and dislikes? You could still have them there, just in sentence format :P

2004-02-09 [Leara]: and she's missing skills...

2004-02-09 [Golthimere]: Okay leara, the diolog is gone, i add a little depth, spelling checks out. So i would like your oficial opion on whether i am in or not.

2004-02-09 [Leara]: give me a few mins before I read it, I'm bitching with my friends online b/f whom I don't trust...and also, you didn't spell emerald spelling still needs checking ^^;

2004-02-09 [MathiasIV]: OMFG...........................................

2004-02-09 [Golthimere]: Okay i looked through it, spelling checks out as far as i saw.

2004-02-09 [Leara]: how does that block thingy work? Does that mean he can block every single attack no matter it is? o.O

2004-02-10 [Golthimere]: i explained the blocky thing

2004-02-10 [imsdal]: there you go, Leara. Have a look now...

2004-02-10 [Leara]: I mean explain more so to me now, in comments

2004-02-10 [Kamona]: *sighs*

2004-02-10 [imsdal]: so, is my char accepted? :)

2004-02-10 [Blood Raven]: patience young grasshopper...

2004-02-10 [imsdal]: Oo uhm......yeeeeeees............sorry, my patience is about as good as Bush'es when he gets a nuclear bomb and a map to Iraq. Guh.......and yes....maybe I DO look a little like a grasshopper....

2004-02-10 [Wang Duddly]: I guess I dont understand why it is everything has to be explained before a character gets accepted... Leara do you really have like a character in every single RP here? Sorry I have been watching for a while and debating whether to create a character or not and I must say, I am not inspired by the stipulations placed on application.

2004-02-10 [Raerlas]: hey i got a ? how do u get a pic of a char up on its page?

2004-02-10 [Blood Raven]: <*IMG=(put URl of image here)*> without the *s

2004-02-10 [Leara]: Cyan, no mind reading, tends to piss people off >.>

2004-02-10 [Leara]: Mathias, you can accept Cyan if you want, I have a fever so words= swirls...lotsa swirls....

2004-02-10 [MathiasIV]: ...Leara, If I told you that.... how would you feel? "Mathias, you can accept Cyan if you want"

2004-02-10 [Leara]: Huhna? Me asking you to accept someone, out of character for me, bah, to sick to care, I was awake all last night in a cold sweat >.> lemme lone till I'm in proper health...

2004-02-10 [Leara]: *goes to find somewhere to pass out*

2004-02-10 [Golthimere]: Mathas, i think you should have a talk with leara, she is being far to strict.

2004-02-11 [Kamona]: One question - I was accepted a while ago and have not participated in role play yet because of the simple fact that I've not found a partner to roleplay currently with.. (less Golthimere joins...) And the point im getting at here is Why all of a sudden the strict guidelines on joining? Heck, i got in with MUCH less work then you're treating these people who want to join. seriously. What gives??

2004-02-11 [Golthimere]: Ya what gives

2004-02-11 [Kamona]: While I understand fully your intent on keeping it as.. how should we put it.... experienced? or... as defined?... by making sure its grammicly correct and spelling in check... but you've also gotta realise that they Are indeed doing as you ask and being as polite as they can. if you've a question(s) about something in their description, then point out ALL the details missing in preferably 'one' message. Takes out alota stress on you and the applicants. one other thing that bothers me a bit is your refusal to read through their new 'Drafts' ( i guess you could call them) After you tell them to change it. if something needs to be changed, and you request it to be changed, then isnt it your

2004-02-11 [Kamona]: job to re-read it? But Before you try to cram down my throat about me telling you how to do your 'job', I wish to make it plain and clear to explain thats not my intent at all. my intent is just to express my personal view on how the 'applicants' should be treated - With respect. just like everyone else deserves, No?

2004-02-11 [xido]: Thank you, Kamona. I enjoy that view, and have seen the effect that emphasis on grammatical corrections and other menial "errors" on char apps have had on this page, and hope that Leara will address your concerns in a respectable fashion when she recovers from her illness. With you being a senior member of the WFR, I think it is vital that she take your words to heart, but that is merely my opinion.

2004-02-11 [xido]: On another note, I have made a wiki link to a section on ALIGNMENT. It is featured above, as well. I have put down as much as I thought would help, but it is by no means finished. I am still addressing concerns at this time, after having departed for so long, but I hope that the new page will help address the issues with char alignments.

2004-02-11 [Lexicon]: once that is done it may be a good idea to have everyone add it to their characters hehe poor mathisu LOL alot to do for that it would be

2004-02-11 [Tyried_the_Dark]: I just joined, and I hope to be here alot... but that cannot very well happen if I don't know how to open a new Wiki page. This page is getting to big, so it says to create a new one... but I don't know how. If someone could lend me a hand,I'd be very greatful...

2004-02-11 [Lexicon]: Dont worry about the wiki getting too big warning , we have a few people who monitor this page and all. Cant take anything away from the main page :) if ya are gonna edit a charcter in to apply with then go for it :)

2004-02-11 [Golthimere]: Isn't it amazing how the human mind is so easily diverted from the main issue, the very thing to start a debate. I believe it was the fact that i was being unjustly denied entrance to the wiki roleplay guild. Now, i would like to know if I will be allowed to join it, and with out too much delay. So, i will restate: I Golthimere do respectfully request approval to join the Wiki RolePlay guild for my character Ragd'Thag'Ar.

2004-02-11 [Lexicon]: Why were you denied?

2004-02-11 [imsdal]: okay...Mathias/ leara: am i accepted or what????? @_@

2004-02-11 [Golthimere]: I think just being leara dosen't like narratives, and i fixed that, i did everything she said

2004-02-11 [xido]: Well, I have a few minor points for you, Gol, then you're in, no more issues. First, under Skills: Magic - the beginning should be either 'Unlike most gnomes' or Like all gnomes of his kind'. Gnomes are another inherently magical race, unless your race proves different. Also, there is no such place as you describe in Eastonia at the very end of your history. Everything about your history is fine, except the reference to the land of Eastonia, which would mean that you were of the race of common gnomes of those forests and hills. That is a fine character, and is accepted upon Mat's or Leara's next visit. Any further comments can be made directly on the char page made for him.

2004-02-11 [xido]: Cyan, I'm not complaining, but it is a little long. Although this is not an accurate reason for it being unaccepted, if it takes more than a few instants to read, Leara will not seem to do so. It looks fine to me, if for a bit wordy. But look who's talking.  :P  WHO OWNS THE NEW VAMPIRE? Is that the new TyriedTheDark guy? Please, please, please, don't be doing any hardcore editing to this page. As said before, we have mods for that, and that stupid red font comes up after a page length of script, so ignore it.

2004-02-11 [xido]: Nimune, I enjoy the thought put into the char's history (even if it was a shortcut way of posting it...). I will allow this char to be accepted, on two terms: 1, that he will be RPed in a balanced, unobtrusive fashion in a RP setting where someone can adequately handle the char's abilities, and 2, that you provide another character to play, so that this does not become your primary character. Only upon your fulfillment of another character, and a promise to RP respectfully and in a mature fashion will this char be accepted. If you need time to create another suitable char, do so, and you may RP, but please don't lag on that requirement.

2004-02-11 [xido]: Whupem does indeed look good, but needs a personality section. It really would have been nice had the stats been put in the established order, but it seems that's up to you.

2004-02-11 [Leara]: I have stuff Nimune said he was gonna do in a msg somewhere to show you, but I'm going back to bed. As far as pointing every little thing out, I don't, if I did that, I'd be getting into my very personal opinion on the character, and come on, spelling and grammer is needed, try reading people's descriptions and having sentences and such where you have no clue what they mean, if you don't understand the description, then whats gonna happen in the rp. If you don't know how to spell something, most computers have spell check, I'm sorry people, but I haven't been doing anything different with the descriptions than I have before, if I seem ruder/stricter hope its cause I just had exams(failed

2004-02-11 [Leara]: exams) and now have been sick practically since last week...maybe thats effecting my mood more than I realize, if so, sorry, pray I get better soon. The more I think about it...the more I'm seeing that as having a big possiblilty *hits self in head*    *goes to pass out somewhere* Cyan, consider yourself accepted, thats why I asked Mathias to accept it, since I can't cause my heads pounding >.>

2004-02-11 [imsdal]: ok, but am'nt I supposed to be in the league of accepted characters then?

2004-02-11 [Blood Raven]: well, basicly you're supposed to be there then...

2004-02-11 [MathiasIV]: ...OK. This is all I am going to say, then I am going back to doing this job like I used to, and Xido, I hope you get to see this. If I am going to participate in the aid of this page, I need to be fully able to do what I believe is right without Leara riding me. The ONLY person I want to hear telling me to STOP doing what I am doing is Xidoraven. I dont want to be the "stand-in" person for Leara because that is not how I opperate. If I accept a character of give a valid reason for acceptiing a character that Leara has an issue with, I EXPECT that it will be left alone. No more "going behind my backs" or "stealing my job". If I am going to help WFR it will be as a fully functioning MOD,

2004-02-11 [MathiasIV]: N O T ! ! ! Leara's Lacky.

2004-02-11 [Blood Raven]: yay, all hail to mat... not. Good speech anyway.

2004-02-11 [Leara]: As far as Xido informed me, you were only supposed to be accepting characters while I was away, therefore quite honestly, I don't want anyone else other than Xido working with me.

2004-02-12 [imsdal]: uhm... Oo' ...I'm gonna stop watching this page...........*walks away*

2004-02-12 [xido]: That's probably a good idea, Cyan. Instead, watch the League page to see new members' chars. If the two of you can't work together to solve this, then I have to ask one of you to leave. I need mods that can work together with each other, and help out when I can't find time to jump in and save Elftown. As far as what I said before, yes, Mat was only supposed to be your backup, but as far as I've seen, he's put just as much effort and enthusiasm into this as Leara and I have, if not a bit more, especially with my recent leave of absence (heaven forbid it). I need to be able to count on BOTH of you to just do your job without freaking out and hassling each other and others too.

2004-02-12 [xido]: I can understand how difficult it is to deal with other people's writing structure and language skills. It happens. If it comes down to it, just give the char a page, and spell check it yourself. If it's completely wrong from the owner's original intent.....they can change it. Wikis are fluid like that. I don't want chars sitting on this page all the time. I'd like for the commenting&msging way to be used. If you don't know how I want it done, I'll message you with a full visual rendition of the process if it's necessary. Nimune, you've been messaged by Leara to make some changes. If they have been made, and you have another char under your arm, just consider yourself in, and RP.

2004-02-12 [xido]: Please don't make me feel like a babysitter. Just be courteous and fair to each other. Is it really so hard? I'd like to see more member-to-member interaction, especially concerning char apps. I don't, however, want this page to be used for that. Use the comments on the char's page. Everyone has a say in this, but please don't just spout off BS. The mods are trying to be fair, but they need to be more open to differences. I guess that's all. Please work TOGETHER. Everyone. Thank you, and make more wikis. :)

2004-02-12 [Blood Raven]: the last time we worked to gether u freaked out on us becuz we were having a discussion about if it was a good char or not...

2004-02-12 [MathiasIV]: No we were having a discussion about what to accept people for or not and that wasnt our job. I would like to add that I am all for working togeather and I have been extremely patient and diligent in my work here. I just can only deal with so much before I get a little ruffed. I am now going to go accept 'Cookie' so that Dev can use him.

2004-02-12 [Blood Raven]: i thinks the nick name should be changed. It's meant to be as "little cook" but I think it will be more often seen as the eatable version of the word...

2004-02-12 [Dev^]: I think cause of the eatable version of it makes it more fun^^

2004-02-12 [MathiasIV]: OK! Cyan and Golthimere! Your characters have already been accepted and moved, I dont know if you guys keep putting the characters back up or if someone else is but STOP! I have deleted them from this page like 3 times now. LoL They are in the League of Accepted Characters, The link is up the page a ways. Thanks!

2004-02-12 [Blood Raven]: hey you on too? yeah well, I guess it could be considered funny cuz you can explain it in two ways :)

2004-02-13 [Raerlas]: Um got a question...i'll be leaving for winter break in an hour sooo....Do any of you know how to get a character picture up on the page with the character?

2004-02-13 [Blood Raven]: <*img:(URL of the image)*> without the *s

2004-02-17 [Myr]: If I wanted to create my character...Am I limited to the races you specified in the species and creatures pages? Would I be allowed to use a sepcies called sea-elves. They have no relation to elves (they're called sea-elves because of their ears). They look like water sprites but are more intelligent and capable of magic.

2004-02-18 [Blood Raven]: you can add them to the species page if you want. but if they're not elves I would advise you to use another name to avoid confusion

2004-02-18 [limper106]: Hi. sort of new to this format, as you can probably tell. Um, if my character is accepted, he's sort I need to add him to the species page?

2004-02-18 [Blood Raven]: no, it's a halfling with a demon parent right? that's a crossbreed, not an entire new species :)

2004-02-20 [Jess Maevis]: Hey everyone! having a great time?! just finished my character..... tell me if the grama is all wrong ? also if the spelling sucks... heheh.. eehm, and ehhh... I realy hope you are happy about my char! (I realy like him)

2004-02-20 [Blood Raven]: Use less !'s ? Though it sounds very entousiastic the thing sounds like somebody's annoncing him on some show or something 0.o; Could be just me complaining a lot though...

2004-02-20 [MathiasIV]: Isnt that what we hired you for raven? LoL Sorry folks I am real busy but I hope to get to a few of these characters today. Wish me luck.

2004-02-20 [Jess Maevis]: lol.. Am I making a commercial on him.. I didnt see the !´s that way though. I think the idea about those !´s are to make it something that might be of some importance. But maybe you are right... maybe I should stop making them stupid !´s   :)    oh! and by the way Mathias, GOOD LUCK

2004-02-20 [Blood Raven]: Good luck Mat. And well if you do it to point out important thingies... don't put !'s behind the entire clothing part then, okay? ^______^  that makes it a bit irritating to read. that's my opinion anyway... Now usually my opinion is ignorable, but i dunno bout Leara's...

2004-02-21 [Jess Maevis]: thanks anyway! I'll change it in a second

2004-02-21 [MathiasIV]: OK I am just gonna go from the bottom and move up, no worries I will get to everybody today.

2004-02-21 [MathiasIV]: Thaharis Winterspur / [Jess Maevis] Accepted, good character but next time use the HTML tags lol ^_^

2004-02-21 [MathiasIV]: Sunami Davarian / [Myr] Not only is it good, its excellent. You used the tagging, very clear writing, and well thought out and detailed character, I wish you luck in your RPing ^_^

2004-02-21 [MathiasIV]: *pant wheeze pant wheeze pant wheeze!* ALRIGHT!!! The next person who doesnt post with HTML tags and if you dont know ask, gets 20 lashes with a wet noodle!!!

2004-02-22 [MathiasIV]: [F34R :82:-DE], you are the lucky winner of TWENTY LASHES WITH A WET NOODLE!!! GRRRRR!

2004-02-23 [Lexicon]: only if it is done in public Mathias hehe ya know the rules we get to see too LOL

2004-02-23 [Raerlas]: Hey Raven... Thanks...but the URL thing confuses me... i am not sure how to do that one...

2004-02-23 [MathiasIV]: Try this Raer, if you right click (in windows) on an image online and choose properties it will give a location such as thats the URL you want in between the <img: and the other >

2004-02-23 [Raerlas]: what about placing my own jpg pic on it... how'd it work then?

2004-02-23 [MathiasIV]: The only way that I know how to do that is to upload it as either my photo or my drawing and then get the URL from there and change my photo or drawing back. The IMG stays there and becomes linkable or IMG as its own entitie, there might be another way to do it though

2004-02-23 [Raerlas]: ok...i'll try it....maybe it'll work.

2004-02-23 [Raerlas]: ah got it.. thanks.. Leahnorra Tanu'Laeh....not the best pic.. but hey it works.

2004-02-23 [MathiasIV]: looks fine to me :) YaaaaY Leara's back, I cant figure out if I am just being to brutal and thats why I have 5 comments up there or if the really need work. I REALLY need a second opinion

2004-02-23 [Leara]: I've been reading things, just cause I don't say anything don't mean I wasn't here, plus I was curious to what you would do if I didn't say anything at all, and I've been busy being now a goddess of the AiS >:3 Muhahaa, Magick's Refuge is mine! *maniacal laughter*

2004-02-23 [MathiasIV]: I saw that, I talked to Magus about the dwarven kingdom lacking a king and am being taken under consideration *ack* *_*

2004-02-23 [Leara]: lol, make sure you read ALL the AiS things, Ferox can be confusing at times, especially how the character sheets and stuff work. She asked me to take one over, but then she changes the sheets again and I got pissed cause I hate changing mine and theres no need, so she didn't think I was interested anymore ^^; But I changed my mind, should be fun toying with other peoples character *cough* Opps? Did I say that outloud? *shifty eyes*

2004-02-23 [MathiasIV]: yeah like a plauge of zits or something that would be great, everybody walking around with giant whitehead boils because they made fun of 'god' lol

2004-02-23 [Leara]: Theres another thing....alot of us on AiS don't rp as serious as people here, its pretty likely a lesser god would pop out of the clouds, give you a giant zit for no reason and disappear...we're all a lil mental over there ^^;

2004-02-23 [MathiasIV]: I wanted to make a king rather than a god, and be like the king in all the old video game roleplays lol. I can revive people, level them, and save their game for them :P

2004-02-23 [MathiasIV]: I cant believe how few people come back and check their characters.... Its kinda sad really, look at the list at the bottom growing...

2004-02-23 [Leara]: lol ^^; people are odd like that...and anything for AiS like that would have to be checked with Ferox, between me and my character, its a wonder she still puts up with me XD

2004-02-23 [Leara]: *coughSPAMcough* MR Auditions *coughs*

2004-02-23 [MathiasIV]: You ok? Need a coughdrop or something??

2004-02-23 [Leara]: *clears throat* Nope, I'm anyways...*shifty eyes* XD

2004-02-23 [MathiasIV]: Sorry but I couldnt help but notice that your eyes keep rolling back and forth, what are yah a lazy eye or somethin?

2004-02-23 [Leara]: umm....yeah....a lazy eye....

2004-02-24 [limper106]: Added more skills. Hopefully that'll clear it up a bit. You can now see he's mainly a pickpocket but his illusion magic is a big help, for when he just can't get his hands on those nice fat coinpurses.

2004-02-24 [MathiasIV]: Perfect, thank you limper, I am making a page for him now :)

2004-02-24 [MathiasIV]: Izfereth Mes'ktul / [limper106] Good character and thanks for coming back and enduring my objections ^_^ Happy Wikiing!

2004-02-25 [xido]: I can't say that I vouch for that new kingdom in Eastonia, and unfortunately the person now in charge wants to leave for longer than me...[Phyn], that is. The details at the end of her history are nice, but I'm not sure how Nik would feel about the supposed unari princess. Something tells me he'd throw a tantrum again. It looks like the two of you are getting along a bit better too, yes? (to Leara and Mat)

2004-02-25 [xido]: if no one is checking this page, I send them messages upon messages to get their bums in here and do it to it. As for that char with no user name, who the crap is that? Please don't make the mods' job harder than it needs to be....just copy the stats and follow the directions. It's certainly not brain surgery, my friends.

2004-02-26 [Lexicon]: um maybe rocket science? LOL

2004-02-26 [MathiasIV]: I dont know about Neuvvall or whatever the characters name is, I am thinking about moving it to limbo though, its been here a while and I did message him. My only question is do you think Phyn would object to a unari character? I might be able to pursuade her to change the character.

2004-02-29 [xido]: perhaps [Savior of the Broken] could make her own land of Gwan, and have the unari as a part of its land and culture as well. That would be no problem. It would be a land to the far southeast of Eastonia. I don't particularly care if Nik finds it offensive for someone else to be a unari. If he did, he should not have posted it as a choice of race. Edorita should, however, check out [Lauralanthalasa]'s character, though she plays the only current unari character, a male humanoid-form. Good reference, really. Find it on the league page....I forget the name....Vadreiriand something.

2004-02-29 [xido]: soon, Limbo will be a wiki setting, with it's own list of lost and drifting characters. Do not fear, and leave them be. That is all that there ever was, correct?

2004-02-29 [Blood Raven]: that sounds kinda deep 0.o

2004-02-29 [Blood Raven]: And tha char without username... I think that can almost at once be redirected to the graveyard. If somebody forgets their username they probably forget to watch the page as well. Or you let it stay here a few weeks and hope that person remembers he/she has a char waiting and checks it out.

2004-02-29 [MathiasIV]: I havent deleted any limbo'onians if thats what your asking O elusively speaking one :)


2004-02-29 [Lexicon]: either that blood or just mark the link in < h1 > so that they can see where their characters disappeared to. If they havent checked by onw it is doubt but not unlikely thta will be back to see anytime soon anyways :)

2004-02-29 [2oldskool4u]: How do I set up all this stuff for a char? Someone please message me. Thank you.

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